Website University of Dayton

We are seeking a dynamic and visionary Program Director to build
and foster relationships between UD, Sinclair College, regional
employers, and workforce development leaders. The Program Director will have wide discretion to develop external and internal partnerships and will work especially close with key staff across academic affairs,
including staff in Career Services, academic-unit-level leaders
charged with advancing experiential learning opportunities at both
UD and Sinclair, and key staff involved in work-based learning and
other related initiatives at both UD and Sinclair. We invite qualified candidates to apply!

Position Summary:*
The University of Dayton Sinclair Academy (UDSA) is a 2+2
transfer program that equates to a 4-year college experience with
nationally recognized Sinclair Community College located 1 mile
from UD’s campus. UDSA students are enrolled at both schools
and included in both campus communities from day one, ensuring
success in many ways. UDSA features clear degree pathways so
students know exactly which classes to take; meetings with
academic advisors on both campuses; transparent four-year
financial information and guarantees upfront; and student success
professionals at UD.

UDSA’s triple guarantee program aims to attract and retain
talented Pell-grant eligible students interested in STEM fields, and
features 1) guaranteed admission, 2) a guaranteed pathway for
enrolling in both an associate’s and bachelor’s program at a
guaranteed price, and 3) guaranteed engagement with employer
partners. Driven by the American Talent Initiative’s IDEAS
(Innovation Driven by Evidence and Advanced Strategies) Fund,
the triple guarantee program seeks to address the regional
workforce gap in STEM and other fields and to align with the
efforts of employers, high schools, government, and higher
education stakeholders to strengthen the regional economy.

We are seeking a dynamic and visionary Program Director to build
and foster relationships between UD, Sinclair College, regional
employers, and workforce development leaders. The successful
candidate will leverage their extensive experience in higher
education and/or corporate relationships to launch the program,
establishing opportunities for students related to admission and
experiential learning. The Program Director will have wide
discretion to develop external and internal partnerships and will
work especially close with key staff across academic affairs,
including staff in Career Services, academic-unit-level leaders
charged with advancing experiential learning opportunities at both
UD and Sinclair, and key staff involved in work-based learning and
other related initiatives at both UD and Sinclair.

UD is actively advancing its capacity for delivering high-impact
experiential learning, including investments in academic-unit-
based structures to support and grow students in work-based
learning opportunities. The Director will become part of this
network of staff, working closely with roles like the Director of
Engineering Co-ops & Internships and colleagues in career
services at both institutions to grow relationships with employers.

Reporting to the Executive Director of Recruitment and Admission
for Transfer and Strategic Partnership Programs, with a dotted line
reporting to the Associate Vice President for Strategic Enrollment
Management and Dean of Admission, the Director will collaborate
with other UD Directors of Recruitment and Admission and Student
Success, along with key constituents at both UD and Sinclair,
including Sinclair’s Director of Work-based Learning, to ensure
students transition well into the UDSA triple guarantee program
and are successful once enrolled. This position requires visionary
leadership, creativity, and strategic thinking and will play a key
leadership role in influencing enrollment and student success
innovations at the University of Dayton.

Minimum Qualifications:*
● Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field (Education,
Business, etc.) plus six years of experience OR a
Master’s degree plus five years of experience.
● Previous experience in education, workforce
development, or related fields.
● Success in building partnerships and
implementing programs.
● Experience working in a collaborative, multi-
stakeholder environment.
● Excellent communication skills, both verbal and
● Detail-oriented with excellent follow-through on
projects and initiatives.
● Willingness to engage with the community, host
events, and meet with stakeholders.
● A desire to develop an appreciation and
understanding of the University of Dayton’s Catholic
and Marianist traditions.
● Valid driver’s license with a low-risk driving record and able to
be insured by the University.

Preferred Qualifications:*
● Master’s degree in Education, Business, or related
● Well-connected in the academic environment with a
strong network of contacts.
● Innovative and strategic thinker with the ability to see
ideas through to fruition.
● Strong relationship builder with a knack for
● Demonstrated successful experience and knowledge
working with student information systems such as
Banner, CRM systems, and/or related reporting
● Utilizing both traditional and non-traditional means of
programming to grow the workforce.
● Demonstrated ability to analyze data to influence
decisions that drive specific goal achievement.
● Self-starter with excellent project management
● Demonstrated successful experience working in
recruitment and admission or enrollment
● Demonstrated successful experience working with
student success efforts, including promoting
successful student retention and graduation
● The ability to inspire and direct others in their work.
● Experience working with socially and culturally diverse communities.

Special Instructions for Applicants:
To apply please submit a cover letter addressing each minimum qualification and any applicable preferred qualifications that you meet., , New position and office; phone number to be determined, To apply please submit a cover letter addressing each minimum qualification and any applicable preferred qualifications that you meet., , New position and office; phone number to be determined, To apply please submit a cover letter addressing each minimum qualification and any applicable preferred qualifications that you meet., , New position and office; phone number to be determined, To apply please submit a cover letter addressing each minimum qualification and any applicable preferred qualifications that you meet., , New position and office; phone number to be determined

To apply for this job please visit