Articulation workshops are held each fall and focus on enrollment topics essential to school counselors, access agency advisors, IECs and admission professionals to begin the academic year and recruitment cycle.  OACAC Articulation workshops engage the widest audience of professionals in the field and all are eager to reconnect and to be empowered with current information relative to admission. smile
Each college host site has their own registration page.  Toggle open the box to the right and click the registration button.  At the registration page, you will find a tentative schedule and the names of the volunteers who are coordinating the efforts on their campuses.
Registration deadlines:  Thursday, August 29 for KSU and BGSU and Thursday, September 5 for MU and OWU
Membership in OACAC has many benefits and we encourage you to join OACAC prior to registering to attend any event as you will receive a discounted registration rate. Members must be logged into their accounts to enjoy the member rate. Registration rates will increase by $10.00 per member category starting August 25th. Only online payment is accepted. If your school must send a check, please contact one of the chairpersons below.
Click HERE for a W9
OACAC’s volunteer chairpersons:
Christine Hubert, Co-chair
Youngstown State University
Brenda L. Averesch, Co-chair
Ohio Northern University

2024 Registration fees

Member school counselor/CBO/IEC/grad/retired: 40.00
Members College/Univ/Military/Subscriber:  65.00
Nonmember College/Univ/Military/Subscriber:  115.00
Nonmember school counselor/CBO/IEC/grad/retired:  90.00
Presenter from a partner organization:  0.00 Registration code required

Deadlines to register online Thursday, August 29 for KSU and BGSU and Thursday, September 5 for MU and OWU. 

Onsite registrations will be accepted and will include a late fee of $10.00.

Payment is accepted online.  If your school requires a different payment method, please contact

Christine Hubert or the Executive Administrator

Click W9_OH ACAC


Who should register and pay? Every person attending articulation should be registered.  If a person registered to attend can no longer attend, another staff member may take their place by sending an email to: If the staff member paid the member registration rate, then the substitute registrant should also be a member. If not, we can invoice for the difference. (Of course, we encourage all to join!) If you’re a presenter who is only attending to do your presentation, email one of our chairpersons for the registration code.

I get an error or there is limited access when I try to register, what’s up? It’s likely your membership is not current or marked as paid for the membership year that started July 1. Members must be logged-into the website portal to have access to the member rate.

Does OACAC only take online payment? Payment by credit card is required unless your school or organization does not allow for online payment. If you’re not permitted to pay online, please register and submit the registration without payment. Close out at the payment window as this action saves the registration as unpaid. Then email and request to mail in a check payment.

Can my office mail one check for multiple registrations? Sure. However, every attendee must register individually though and submit the registration without payment (close out at the payment window as this action saves the registration as unpaid). We collect specific information from each attendee like their emergency contact. Once registered, one staff member can email to: and state the school and list all the staff members who have registered.  A special invoice will be created for your staff.

Can I get a refund?  Refunds will be reviewed upon request up to two weeks (14 calendar days) before the first day of the event. Requests must be sent via email to . Please include an explanation for your request, the payee and USPS address. You may be refunded any monies less any applicable credit-card processing fees if the original payment was by credit card. Refunds may be issued by OACAC check. Refund checks will be issued no sooner than 30 days after the last day of the event. If an OACAC event is canceled by circumstances beyond the control of OACAC such as but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorist threats, government regulations, public health crisis, disaster, civil disorder, inclement weather, sudden outage of electricity or water at the venue, or curtailment of transportation facilities – to the extent that such circumstances make it illegal or impossible to allow the OACAC event to occur, the participant agrees that they will not hold OACAC liable for the cancellation and/or disruption of the event (if in progress) and thereby request a return of any paid fees including but not limited to conference registration fees, sponsorship commitment fees, exhibitor table fees, meals, hotel and transportation costs.

What if I register and I am a no show? Payment is still expected.

Can you share with me about food at the event?  As caring, inclusive host organizations, we will always do our best to help you be safe and comfortable. Your hosts will offer as reasonably as possible a variety of foods that meet your lifestyle preferences (e.g., vegetarian, vegan). We are acutely aware of food allergies. While we cannot mandate or control a nut free/allergy free/grain-free environment, we can, however, offer options and have clear signage on food when we commune together. We cannot, however, control what attendees nor passers-by bring in or consume in the venue. We ask anyone with a food or environmental allergy to self-advocate and have a plan in place for what to do if they come in contact with an allergy causing element(s).  This may include having a medical plan, wearing a medical alert bracelet, keeping emergency medication on their person and having their cell phone on their person to call for help, if needed.

Are health precautions in place? Health checks are subject to change based on host school site, state and CDC guidelines. We ask that all attendees follow the CDC guidelines and health checks. Self-health checks should be conducted prior to arriving to the host site. Guests should not attend if they have any signs or symptoms of flu or covid-19. Due to uncertainties with holding events and the personal choice to attend events, please read the OACAC refund policy as we must adhere to the 14-day refund request.

Wednesday, September 4, Kent State University

Thursday, September 5, Bowling Green State University

Tuesday, September 10, Miami University

Wednesday, September 11, Ohio Wesleyan University