Membership Fees

Membership levels and corresponding annual fees are detailed below.  Membership begins July 1 and ends June 30th annually. Fees are not pro-rated.

A. College or University

OHIO not-for-profit only. If your institution is for-profit, you will join as a “Subscriber” in section E.
  • $45.00 Ohio College/University Institutional Rep
    I am my institution’s representative or the only OACAC member. (Institutions which have more than one OACAC member must designate who is to be the institution representative. This member’s address and telephone number will be used for institutional listings in the on-line Membership Directory.)
  • $45.00 Ohio College/University Individual Rep
    (I am my institution’s second or one of multiple members.)

B. Secondary School, Junior High School or Elementary School

Ohio only
  • $45.00 Ohio School Institutional Rep
    I am my institution’s representative or the only OACAC member. (Institutions which have more than one OACAC member must designate who is to be the institution representative. This member’s address and telephone number will be used for institutional listings in the on-line Membership Directory.)
  • $45.00 Ohio School Individual Rep
    (I am my institution’s second or one of multiple members.)

C. Educational Access Agencies and Individuals

Only for grant-funded organizations-e.g. Trio, Gear-Up, IKIC
  • $45.00 Education Agency Rep
    I am my institution’s representative or the only OACAC member. (Institutions which have more than one OACAC member must designate who is to be the institution representative. This member’s address and telephone number will be used for institutional listings in the on-line Membership Directory.)
  • $45.00 Education Agency Individual
    (I am my institution’s second or one of multiple members.)

D. Non-Ohio: College or University, secondary school, junior high school, or elementary school

Not-for-profit only. If your institution is for-profit, you will join as a “Subscriber” in section E.  Individuals are nonvoting unless they reside in Ohio and recruit Ohio students for their institution. Representatives living in Ohio are granted voting rights.  All other representatives from non-Ohio colleges and universities are nonvoting associate members.
  • $45.00 Non-Ohio College/University Institutional Rep
    I am the first or only member from my institution and I will be designated as the institutional representative. (This member’s address and telephone number will be used for institutional listings in the on-line Membership Directory.)
  • $45.00 Non-Ohio College/University Individual Rep
    (My institution is already a member and has an Institutional Representative.)
  • $45.00 Non-Ohio Secondary, Junior High, Elementary Institutional Rep
    I am the first or only member from my institution and I will be designated as the institutional representative. (This member’s address and telephone number will be used for institutional listings in the on-line Membership Directory.)
  • $45.00 Non-Ohio Secondary, Junior High, Elementary Individual Rep
    (My institution is already a member and has an Institutional Representative.)

E. Other Member Categories

Please review the categories below as they pertain to all non-grant funded agencies, corporations, organizations, and individual categories
  • $45.00 OACAC Subscriber
    (non-grant-funded agencies/organizations/institutions/corporations). Each representative must join individually at $40.00 per individual – non-voting, associate member)
  • $45.00 Independent Consultant
  • $45.00 Military Member
    (non-voting, associate member)
  • Free Graduate Student
    (non-voting, associate member)
  • $45.00 Retired Member
  • $0.00 Life-time Member
    (No fee)
  • $0.00 Jack Scott Recipient
    (No fee)