The sky’s the limit! Join us in Dayton.

Ohio’s birthplace of aviation!

We can’t wait to welcome you to Dayton for Annual Conference and our diversity workshop, Guiding the Way to Inclusion (GWI)! Annual Conference is OACAC’s hallmark event that provides you with an opportunity to build your professional network and experience learning with others who are passionate about the future of secondary education and post-secondary access. The 2025 conference will be fast as an F-15 as this is the year of a shortened conference since the national conference is in Columbus in September.

The programming will begin early on Sunday, March 9 and it will be fast-paced and engaging! Conference will conclude with a college bus tour of University of Dayton, Sinclair State Community College and Wright State University after lunch on Monday, March 10!

You are encouraged to join OACAC now to get access to member benefits!  The membership year is July 1 – June 30 (Sorry. We do not pro-rate for months you didn’t get to enjoy).

Please note a $50 late fee will be added to all registrations after February 25, 2025.  Credit card payment or a check payment is expected of all attendees who are registering on site.

Does OACAC only take online payment? Payment by credit card is required unless your school or organization does not allow for online payment. If you’re not permitted to pay online, please register and submit the registration without payment. “Close-out” at the payment window as this action saves the registration as unpaid. An invoice is available in your OACAC profile. Once registered, please email a conference registration chair or  

Can my office mail one check for multiple registrations? Sure. However, every attendee must register individually though and submit the registration without payment (close out at the payment window as this action saves the registration as unpaid). We collect specific information from each attendee like their emergency contact. Once registered, one staff member can email a registration chair or and state the school and list all the staff members who have registered.  A special invoice will be created for your staff which can be paid by check.

Marriott at the University of Dayton

1414 South Patterson Boulevard Dayton, Ohio 45409

Last Day to Book: Monday, February 10, 2025
$149 USD per night + tax

Now accepting proposals for educational sessions for “The Sky’s the Limit” Annual Conference and Guiding the Way to Inclusion (GWI) 2025! Proposals may be submitted through January 15, 2025

SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS: Exhibit with us for $700-$1,300 or become a Sponsor starting at $2,200! Click the button to review great opportunities!

A Word About Food

As a caring, inclusive host organization, we will always do our best to help you be safe and comfortable.  We are acutely aware of food allergies. While we cannot mandate or control a nut free/allergy free/grain-free environment, we can, however, offer options and have clear signage on food when we commune together. We cannot, however, control what attendees nor passers-by bring in or consume in the venue or the potential for cross-contamination when foods are prepared.  We ask anyone with a food or environmental allergy to self-advocate and have a plan in place for what to do if they come in contact with an allergy causing agent.  This may include having a medical plan, wearing a medical alert bracelet, keeping emergency medication on their person and having their cell phone on their person to call for help, if needed. The hotel catering professionals will offer, as reasonably as possible, a variety of foods that meet lifestyle preferences (e.g. vegetarian, vegan).

Refund Policy

Refunds will be reviewed upon request up to two weeks (14 calendar days) before the first day of the event. Refunds cannot be honored afer that date as OACAC has made a financial commitment for meals and conference space based on the number of attendees who have regsitered. We must adhere to the 14 day refund request. Thank you for understanding.

Requests must be sent via email to . Please include an explanation for your request, the payee and USPS address. You may be refunded any monies less any applicable credit-card processing fees if the original payment was by credit card. Refunds may be issued by OACAC check. Refund checks will be issued no sooner than 30 days after the last day of the event. If an OACAC event is canceled by circumstances beyond the control of OACAC such as but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorist threats, government regulations, public health crisis, disaster, civil disorder, inclement weather, sudden outage of electricity or water at the venue, or curtailment of transportation facilities – to the extent that such circumstances make it illegal or impossible to allow the OACAC event to occur, the participant agrees that they will not hold OACAC liable for the cancellation and/or disruption of the event (if in progress) and thereby request a return of any paid fees including but not limited to conference registration fees, sponsorship commitment fees, exhibitor table fees, meals, hotel and transportation costs.