OACAC Sponsored College Fairs

Registration is open for the fall sponsored fairs. Please renew your membership to receive member rates for our events. Spring fair registration will open in December or earlier.

We are grateful to the counselors and schools who partner with OACAC to bring quality programming to students and parents. OACAC is also working with StriveScan to streamline the connection between students and college representatives with advanced student barcode scanning technology. (See details below.)

A few reminders:

Payment by credit card is required

Members must be logged-into the website portal to have access to the member rate. Therefore, the member must login to register for the fair. On the form, there is a place to indicate if another representative from the member institution is attending. We cannot issue refunds for overpayment.

*Member rate – $150 and Nonmember rate – $200.   *A late registration fee of $25 will be applied 14 calendar days before the fair.)


You must register separately for each fair. By doing so, this allows each volunteer coordinator to maintain an accurate database of their fair. However, you can pay for all fairs in one checkout!  Payment will be accepted only by credit card.  If you need special consideration to send a check, please email: execadmin@oacac.org

A Note about Sponsored Fairs

Like the places we live and students who we serve, each fair is unique. Some fair coordinators will allow proprietary schools, businesses highlighting career tracks for employment, military representatives and independent educational consultants while other fair coordinators may not allow these same entities to register.  If you have a question pertaining to registration, please contact the fair coordinator.  Fairs are “sponsored” by OACAC in that OACAC is providing fiscal management and registration support as well as ensuring that the fair meets OACAC fair guidelines.

Fair Evaluations

OACAC has developed an online fair evaluation. At the conclusion of the fair, a link to the evaluation will be sent to fair coordinators to send to attendees. 


Refunds will be reviewed upon request up to two weeks (14 calendar days) before the first day of the event. Requests must be sent via email to execadmin@oacac.org . Please include an explanation for your request, the payee and USPS address. You may be refunded any monies less any applicable credit-card processing fees if the original payment was by credit card. Refunds may be issued by OACAC check. Refund checks will be issued no sooner than 30 days after the last day of the event. If an OACAC event is canceled by circumstances beyond the control of OACAC such as but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorist threats, government regulations, public health crisis, disaster, civil disorder, inclement weather, sudden outage of electricity or water at the venue, or curtailment of transportation facilities – to the extent that such circumstances make it illegal or impossible to allow the OACAC event to occur, the participant agrees that they will not hold OACAC liable for the cancellation and/or disruption of the event (if in progress) and thereby request a return of any paid fees including but not limited to conference registration fees, sponsorship commitment fees, exhibitor table fees, meals, hotel and transportation costs.

Food at the Event

As caring, inclusive host organizations, we will always do our best to help you be safe and comfortable. Your hosts will offer as reasonably as possible a variety of foods that meet your lifestyle preferences (e.g. vegetarian, vegan). We are acutely aware of food allergies. While, we cannot mandate or control a nut free/allergy free/grain-free environment, we can, however, offer options and have clear signage on food when we commune together. We cannot, however, control what attendees nor passers-by bring in or consume in the venue. Your hosts and OACAC ask anyone with a food or environmental allergy to self-advocate and have a plan in place for what to do if they come in contact with an allergy causing element(s).  This may include having a medical plan, wearing a medical alert bracelet, keeping emergency medication on their person and having their cell phone on their person to call for help, if needed. 

Thank you for your understanding. We can’t wait to see you!


Aug. 27 Summer College Fair @BW

Summer College Fair

Baldwin Wallace University


Sept. 16 Mahoning Valley College Fair

Mahoning Valley College Fair

Covelli Centre, Youngstown



Oct. 13 Columbus Suburban College Fair

Columbus Suburban College Fair

Otterbein University – Registration is closed.




Oct. 22 Dayton Area College & Career Fair

Greater Dayton Area  College and Career Fair

Mar. 3 Cincinnati Spring College Fair

Cincinnati Spring College Fair

Co-hosted by Saint Ursula Academy and St. Xavier HS

Mar. 4 Toledo Area W. College Night

Toledo Area West College Fair

The University of Toledo

Apr. 2 NE Ohio Spring College Fair

Northeast Ohio Spring College Fair

The University of Akron

Ohio ACAC has partnered with StriveScan to bring their student barcode scanning technology to our college fairs/  StriveScan will make the experience more efficient and productive for students and colleges, plus provide Ohio ACAC and the fair organizers with valuable data about the events. Your registration fee includes the scanning tool. A StriveScan team member will be in touch with all registered representatives closer to your fair date.

Fair Participant Information (College Representatives )

College reps use the StriveScan app on their iPhone, Android, or iPad to scan students’ barcodes. Reps can instantly view the student’s profile information and take notes right in the app. After the fair, reps export the student data with one click, instantly, to a CSV file.

StriveScan is included with your registration fee for all OACAC College Fairs. After you register, you will receive instructions and an unlock code to activate scanning at these fairs. Student data can be exported instantly. Fair organizers are working hard to get all students registered with a barcode

You’ll no longer need to wait for your data, purchase lead packages, app codes, or rent scanners for each rep.

Student Registration Process

Students attending the fairs go to the registration page at www.StriveFair.com and fill out a quick form on their phone or computer (in advance or at the door). When they sign up, StriveScan sends them a barcode via text message and email. The next day, students receive an email with a report on all of the colleges and representatives they met along with their contact information and social media profiles. There is no cost for students.

School Counselors

Counselors should encourage their students to pre-register before attending an OACAC College Fair by directing them to StriveFair.com. You can also use StriveScan’s handout for students to assist with student registration!

More Information

For more information, we recommend watching the two-minute intro video at www.strivescan.com. Contact StriveScan at help@strivescan.com. More information will be provided to colleges during fair registration.

Refund Policy:

Refunds will be reviewed upon request up to two weeks (14 calendar days) before the first day of the event. Requests must be sent via email to execadmin@oacac.org . Please include an explanation for your request, the payee and USPS address. You may be refunded any monies less any applicable credit-card processing fees if the original payment was by credit card. Refunds may be issued by OACAC check. Refund checks will be issued no sooner than 30 days after the last day of the event. If an OACAC event is canceled by circumstances beyond the control of OACAC such as but not limited to acts of God, war, terrorist threats, government regulations, public health crisis, disaster, civil disorder, inclement weather, sudden outage of electricity or water at the venue, or curtailment of transportation facilities – to the extent that such circumstances make it illegal or impossible to allow the OACAC event to occur, the participant agrees that they will not hold OACAC liable for the cancellation and/or disruption of the event (if in progress) and thereby request a return of any paid fees including but not limited to conference registration fees, sponsorship commitment fees, exhibitor table fees, meals, hotel and transportation costs.