Central Ohio Workshops

Central Ohio Workshops


April 21, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Battelle for Kids

What best describes you?

  1. Feeling overwhelmed about complying with ODE, OBR and state-legislated requirements around: College Credit Plus, partnerships with higher education institutions, Career Pathways, career advising policies and student success plans, middle grade CTE requirements, and new report card indicators that address college and career readiness (to name a few).
  2. Interested in learning from and sharing with your colleagues about strategies or resources they have developed to not only comply with, but create “best practices” around all of the above.
  3. Ready to leave this PD event with a collection of ideas, practical tools, and new friends (contact information) to put to use immediately.
  4. A school counselor OR a teacher OR an administrator OR a curriculum specialist OR a higher education professional OR anyone whose job description has morphed to include any of the above OR simply someone with an interest in or passion for these topics.

If one or all of these apply, JOIN US for a a participant-driven Ed Camp to engage around the topics listed above in the quest for not just survival, but thrive in meeting mandates, while enhancing our professional contributions and more effectively serving our students and our communities.

Space is limited!  Share this page with colleagues who will benefit from this professional development opportunity.

Professional Development Workshop Registration

Have questions about Professional Development Workshops?

Michele Brown, Professional Development Chair
OACAC Past President
The Ohio State University
phone:  (614) 292-3980
email:  Brown.1112@osu.edu