OACAC Approved College Fairs

Individual members of OACAC have exclusive access to the college fair calendar. The *fairs selected for the calendar have been reviewed by the OACAC college fair committee and meet the OACAC recommended guidelines.  You will find the date, location, time and contact person for each fair. (*Membership in OACAC does not guarantee an automatic listing on the college fair calendar.)

It is up to each individual college fair coordinator to manage their invitation list and determine how many schools/organizations can attend their program.  Membership in OACAC does not automatically guarantee an invitation to every program listed on the college fair calendar.  If you are interested in an invitation to one of the listed college fairs, please contact the coordinator directly.

Colleges who participate in OACAC approved college fairs must agree to adhere to the OACAC college fair guidelines. Organizers of OACAC approved college fairs must agree to adhere to the guidelines and are responsible for monitoring colleges in attendance to make sure they are in compliance with the OACAC guidelines.

Thank you for your support of OACAC approved college fairs. OACAC encourages you to attend these programs!

Login to download the College Fair Calendar.

Have questions about OACAC College Fairs? Email us: raeanndibaggio@case.edu

For OACAC calendar inclusion, college fairs for must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. A program that, at a minimum, accommodates students and parents from one county, or an entire
community college district or from an Ohio state school district. Participating schools do not host duplicate
2. A program that is planned and executed by 3 or more schools. Participating schools do not host
duplicate programs.
3. A program that is attended by at least 300 or more students and parents and 75 or more
college/university admission representatives.
4. A program that cannot be a college fair sponsored by proprietary organizations (or noneducational
organizations) for the purpose of profit, publicity or public relations for the organization. This would
include but is not limited to, events sponsored by TV stations, zoos, athletic teams, shopping malls,
churches, financial institutions etc.

Fair participant expectations during the fair:  The following guidelines apply to OACAC members, or affiliated members, or any
organization when participating in a fair that has been approved and on the OACAC calendar.  These guidelines are
consistent with those developed by the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) for their national college fairs.
1. OACAC makes every attempt to keep the focus of college fairs on education, not promotion. Representatives may distribute only brochures, catalogs, and other appropriate items that provide a factual description of your institution and its programs, and only from your table. Plastic bags, calendars, bumper stickers, buttons, pennants, candy or any other promotional material may NOT be distributed at the fair site. College representatives who exhibit at Articulation are expected to distribute only official printed materials regarding the educational programs or student life of their respective colleges or universities so the intent of the exhibit remains in tact. Promotional exhibits or displays and any kind of “give-a-ways” are prohibited. This may include, but is not limited to, promotional items such as pens, key chains, clothing, toys, food or gifts of any kind.
2. All participants are required to remain behind their tables when interacting with fair attendees.
3. If audiovisual equipment is permitted, it must be confined to the representative’s assigned space. All audio equipment must be used at low volume, and noise levels kept to a minimum. The host site volunteer staff reserves the right to determine at what point sound constitutes interference with others
and must be discontinued.
4. Table top displays must not impede the view of other participants’ tables and must allow representatives to remain behind their tables.
5. No more than four representatives shall staff one institution’s table at any one time. The site coordinator must approve exceptions to this table limit, in advance.
6. Representatives should arrive and be set up at any program prior to the announced opening and should remain until the announced closing.

COLLEGE FAIR EVALUATION FORM. OACAC has created an online form as well should fair planners be interested.