The Jack Scott Award
The Jack Scott Award is the highest honor the Ohio Association for College Admission Counseling can bestow upon an individual. The criteria used to select a recipient is service and dedication to OACAC; contributions to the profession of high school guidance and college admission; and qualities such as humility, professionalism, dedication, fairness, and unselfishness. Click for Nomination Form.
Jack Scott Award Recipients (*Deceased)
John T. Amy *
Virginia Bica
Bob Blake *
Donna Pugh Blevins
James Blosser
Martha Booth
Michele Brown
Agnes Cloud
Thomas Colaner
Paula Compton
Mary Lou Culp *
Ken Davenport
Beth DaLonzo
Sherman Dean
Rae Ann DiBaggio
Burton Dunfield *
Richard Eastop
Kim Ebbrecht
Janet Elfers*
Tom Fanning
Sandy Farris
John Frahlich
Mary Lu Flynn
Jean Frehse
Carl Gerbasi, Jr.
Nancy Gibson
Mary Grimaldi
John Hattendorf *
Mike Homza
N. Kip Howard
Betty Jane Hull *
Cass Johnson
PJ Jorgensen
John Martin
Carolyn McAngell *
Mary Rowe Moore *
Byron Morris*
Paul Napier *
Jerry Phillips
Dave Pohlman
Bruce Riddle
Charles Schuler
Kristy Smith
Richard Smith
Sally S. Sprunk
Jeff Stahlman
Steve Steinhilber
M. Jeanne Talley
Gary Weidner *
Gary Williams
Kevin Witham
Robert Yocum
Fred Ziegler
JACK M. SCOTT 1923-1970
Jack M. Scott, 47, Marietta’s director of student services, died of a heart attack at his home on August 27, 1970.
A native of Louisville, Ohio, Scott was graduated cum laude from Marietta in 1952. He joined the college’s administrative staff in 1954 and served eight years as director of college-high school relations.
In 1962 he was appointed director of admissions and in 1968 was named to the newly created post of dean of services. In 1970 his position was restructured under the title of director of student services, with responsibility for admissions, financial aid, placement, the health center, the food service, the student center, and security personnel.
While director of admissions, he served a two-year term as president of the Ohio Association of College Admissions Counselors. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary fraternity; Omicron Delta Kappa, national men’s leadership honorary; Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity; and the Association of College Admissions Counselors. He served as Marietta College representative to the College Entrance Examination Board and was the administrative representative on the College’s Special Study Commission. He had taken graduate studies at Ohio State University and DePauw University. A veteran, he was in the U.S. Army Air Force from 1943 to 1946 in the Pacific Theater.